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Event Highlights

Welcome Remarks

Dr the Hon Moses Cheng Mo-chi, GBM, GBS, JP
Insurance Authority

Opening Address

The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS
The Chief Executive
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech

Mr Jonathan Dixon
Secretary General
International Association of Insurance Supervisors

Panel Discussion

Positioning Hong Kong in the Dual Circulation Economic Strategy

Panel Discussion

Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change with Green Finance

Keynote Speech

The Hon Paul Chan Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP
Financial Secretary
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Panel Discussion

Shaping Fintech up for the New Normal

Panel Discussion

Navigating the Post-pandemic Regulatory Landscape

Concluding Remarks

The Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBM, GBS, JP
Convenor of the Non-Official Members
Executive Council,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

25 November 2021

Asian Insurance Forum 2021 draws expert insights into opportunities and challenges for the insurance industry in the new normal

7 December 2021

Participants take a deep dive into opportunities and challenges in the post-pandemic new normal at the Asian Insurance Forum 2021
Welcome Remarks

Dr the Hon Moses Cheng Mo-chi, GBM, GBS, JP
Insurance Authority

Opening Address

The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS
The Chief Executive
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Keynote Speech

Mr Jonathan Dixon
Secretary General
International Association of Insurance Supervisors

Keynote Speech

The Hon Paul Chan Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP
Financial Secretary
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region